International Office

The Office for International Relations supports and advises students, teachers, staff members, and researchers on all internationalisation efforts, thus contributing to the implementation and execution of international activities.

Outgoing students receive professional counselling regarding their studies or internships abroad, which includes choosing the right partner university. In addition, the St. Pölten UAS Service Unit for International Relations offers advice on grants and scholarship programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, Austrian Marshall Plan Scholarship, Fulbright Scholarship, etc.).

Another function of this UAS service is to assist incoming students in the process of choosing the right study programme as well as advising and supporting them in all matters regarding their stay. Furthermore, all incoming students will be assigned a student “buddy” and have the opportunity to take part in cultural activities organised by the International Student Network (ISN).

Teachers and staff members can contact the Office for International Relations with questions regarding all aspects of their (Erasmus+ funded) stay abroad. Office team members provide support and counselling during all stages of staff mobility for further education or teaching activities. The Office for International Relations, together with the respective departments, is responsible for taking care of international guests and contributing to international events. The service unit promotes the further development of internationalisation efforts in collaboration with the UAS’ international coordinators.

The service unit’s area of responsibility also includes negotiating and implementing partnership agreements as well as supporting the departments in the application process for international funding schemes. In addition, the Office for International Relations also offers a translation service: requests can be sent to Professional translators ensure a prompt implementation of any given translation project and offer advice on improving English materials for teachers and researchers.

For further information, please visit: International



Team Member

Staff Mobility Coordinator Incoming and Outgoing