Innovative Teaching and Learning

Competence Centre for Didactics

Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)

As the central point of contact for the subject area “Teaching and Learning” at the St. Pölten UAS, LEARN continuously provides impulses for quality development in teaching by providing information, qualification enhancement, and advice to teaching staff.

In addition, LEARN supports departments and study programmes in designing and implementing innovative teaching and learning scenarios in the context of curriculum development and advises the Higher Education Management as well as the Chairperson of the UAS Board on strategic issues regarding the development of the teaching sector.

Note: LEARN is the new name of SKILL. In some places, you can still find the old name. We are gradually changing this.

The core competencies and areas of responsibility of LEARN

  1. Didactic competence development of the teaching staff in higher education (continuing education programme “Certificate in Higher Education Didactic Competence”, ongoing special workshops for all teaching staff as well as customised programmes for departments, study programmes, or teaching teams).
  2. Individual support of teaching staff: support in the didactic planning of (new) lectures, in the integration of activating teaching methods, e-learning elements, or alternative forms of examination; observation of lectures by LEARN staff members.
  3. Initiation and/or support of teaching development projects: module- or programme-related or across study programmes. For the latter, the didactic model “Inverted Classroom” and several teaching projects on Game-Based Learning are currently being implemented.
  4. Supporting the study programmes in curriculum development as well as the further development of their didactic models.
  5. Research, development, and networking in higher education didactics: contribution of didactic competence to ongoing research and development projects of the UAS; programme planning of the Day of Teaching as well as publication of the accompanying conference proceedings (see “Fachtagungen Hochschuldidaktik”) and own publication activities; cooperation in the organisation and implementation of the DACH conference Inverted Classroom and beyond.
  6. Development and implementation of interdisciplinary, UAS-wide educational offers for students (e.g., interdisciplinary and international course module iLab).


You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Dr. David Lisa

Dr. Lisa David

Head of Service Unit
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)
Mag. Dr. Weißenböck Josef

Mag. Dr. Josef Weißenböck

Section Head Higher Education Didactics
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)
Prettner Raphael, BSc

Raphael Prettner , BSc

Team Member E-Learning Support
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)