1 min

Keeping up with the Times

Keeping up with the Times

Rüdiger Landgraf

UAS Lecturer and Radio Manager

The current edition of our magazine “future“ deals with the subject of Future Work Skills. What we wanted to know: name three things that everyone in your profession has to be able to do! Are “Future Work Skills” a relevant topic for you? How do you stay fit for the working world of the future?

UAS lecturer and radio programme director Rüdiger Landgraf:

Three Skills:

In addition to the “visible” areas such as programme content, the activities of a programme director include a lot of strategic work: studies, personnel planning, communications, contacts with advertising customers, budgeting, writing texts. This takes passion for the job and the willingness to personally develop every day – in an age of disruption and upheaval in terms of media, it also helps to have an affinity for technology (and mathematics).

Relevant Topic:

An old proverb says that if you don’t move with the times, you will be removed over time. When I first entered this sector, we used a dial-up modem to go online on an hourly basis. Today we use channels such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Graphics and video were unknown concepts in the radio sector 15 years ago.

Working World of the Future:

It is essential to keep learning, to exchange views and experiences with colleagues, and most importantly, to remain open for new things.

Rüdiger Landgraf is the programme director of kronehit and a lecturer at the St. Pölten UAS.