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Successful Business Year 2023

More Students, Increased Revenues, and Strong Regional Economic Effects

The year of 2023 was a very successful one for the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. The positive further development of the St. Pölten UAS was advanced by rising revenues, increasing student and staff numbers, and expanding national and international networks, in particular within the framework of the European Higher Education Alliance E³UDRES². A study by the Industriewissenschaftliches Institut (IWI) provides evidence of the significant role that the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences plays in the regional economy.

Around 4,000 Students

Last year, the St. Pölten UAS saw the continuation of its past successful development. In the year of 2023, 3,961 students completed an academic education in one of 26 study programmes and numerous continuing education programmes. The number of staff members increased to 456 full-time employees and 1,099 part-time lecturers. The total revenues increased by 14 per cent to a total of 45.5 million euros.

Positive Role in the Regional Economy

The St. Pölten UAS is not only one of the most important employers in the region, it also plays an positive role in the regional economy. These results are backed up by the IWI, which, among other things, studied the effects that the St. Pölten UAS has on the regional economy.

The regional value chain effects amount to 34.5 million euros. This sum does not only include the value chain generated by the ongoing operation of the university of applied sciences but also a total of 7.5 million euros generated as a result of induced or indirect effects. This includes intermediate consumption, such as electricity, equipment and services needed to operate the university of applied sciences, and the regional consumption made possible by the staff members’ employment.

UAS Mitigates Skilled Worker Shortage

In addition, thanks to the St. Pölten UAS, up to 1.040 job positions can be filled in Lower Austria alone.

“The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences plays an important role in mitigating the shortage of skilled workers in Austria as a whole and in the region as such. On the one hand, this applies to the STEM field, on the other hand, this also helps to meet the increasing demand for future professionals in other areas, such as the healthcare sector”, says Herwig W. Schneider, Executive Director of the Industriewissenschaftlichen Instituts (IWI). 

“Driver for Innovation and Progress”

“Thanks to its future-oriented study programmes and applied research, the St. Pölten UAS is a central educational institution in our city and a driver for innovation and progress. It attracts highly qualified lecturers and researchers from within Austria and abroad and trains tomorrow’s skilled workers. The university of applied sciences thus generates substantial societal and economic added value that goes far beyond the borders of St. Pölten,” says Matthias Stadler, mayor of the city of St. Pölten.

St. Pölten UAS Is a European University

Within the framework of the European University Alliance E³UDRES², the St. Pölten UAS works on the future of Europe’s higher education institutions together with 9 further European universities. Last year, the higher education alliance, which is led by the St. Pölten UAS, was granted further funding up to 2027.

“We are one of the few universities of applied sciences to coordinate over 100,000 students and approx. 10,000 employees as part of the E³UDRES² alliance. The funding extension is an important recognition of the work we have achieved together so far. It enables us to advance E³UDRES² to become a full European University and make significant contributions to strengthening the European Higher Education, Research, and Innovation Area”, emphasises Hannes Raffaseder, head of the European University and Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS.

“We provide our students with an international and interdisciplinary environment that enables them to realise their potential the best possible way. Flexible credits in the curriculum can be used individually – for example for a European Project Semester or learning formats within E³UDRES²“, says Johann Haag, Executive Director of the St. Pölten UAS.

Learn more: annual report 2023

More figures on the business year 2023 at the St. Pölten UAS can be found in our digital annual report.