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The Future of AI and Semantic Systems

International Trade Conference “SEMANTiCS” in Vienna from 13 to 15 September

The SEMANTiCS conference 2022 (semantics.cc) is dedicated to developments and trends in the fields of artificial intelligence, data management, and natural language processing. This year’s focus in terms of content is on the opportunities and limitations of AI systems in grasping and understanding meaning. Since 2005, the conference has been an annual benchmark in the international exchange between research and industry.

Graph-based knowledge modeling

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the management of data and the provision of digital services has become a matter of course. At the same time, conventional approaches of machine learning or logic programming quickly reach their limits when it comes to the processing of meaning. New concepts of knowledge engineering, also known as knowledge graphs, are an important step towards the further development of AI systems.

“Graph-based approaches of knowledge engineering take AI-assisted information and data management to the next level and are already frequently used in companies. A comprehensive programme awaits the visitors of the SEMANTiCS conference: practitioners share their experiences, while researchers answer the question of where the journey of the next 3 to 5 years will take us”, says Tassilo Pellegrini, co-organiser of the event and head of the Institute for Innovation Systems at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences.

Varied Conference Programme

The conference will start out with a keynote held by Adam Keresztes, UX-lead at Ikea Sweden and founder of the Ikea Knowledge Graph. “Knowledge graphs are semantic networks that forge links between entities and databases and establish a connection between pieces of information in terms of content. This is how pure information is turned into networked knowledge”, explains Pellegrini.

Further keynote speakers are Steve Moyle (founder of Amplify Intelligence), who will take a critical look at Alan Turing and his legacy for current developments in AI, Prof. Olaf Hartig (Linköping University), who will talk about the latest methods and challenges of decentralised knowledge development, and Jans Aasman (CEO of Franz Inc), who will address the significance of knowledge graphs for operational knowledge management and AI applications building on them.

Parallel to SEMANTiCS, LT Innovate, an international industry meeting of the language technology community, will take place at the same venue. In line with SEMANTiCS, LT Innovate will present the latest developments in language translation software and services, as well as their benefits in business practice. 

Prospective visitors can still register for the conference. Click here for all information on registration and programme items: semantics.cc