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This was the ARES 2023

18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023)

Since 2005, the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) has brought together researchers and practitioners in the field of IT security and privacy, serving as an important platform for exchange, discussion and knowledge transfer.

The Conference

This year's ARES, which was held in Benevento, Italy, accepted 177 papers. Visitors enjoyed over 16 speakers and a total of 23 workshops. This year ARES welcomed 4 experts for the keynotes.

Dr. Elisa Costante had the exciting topic 'Exploring the Cyber Threat Landscape: Analyzing the Past to Uncovering Future Trends', Pierangela Samarati talked about 'Data security and privacy in emerging scenarios', Michael Bronstein reported about 'Physics-inspired learning on graphs' and Mireille Hildebrandt inspired with her talk about 'Whiteboxing machine learning'. Here you can find more information about the keynotes.

This year again, the International IFIP Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE) took place at the same time as ARES 2023. Again, there were exciting presentations and workshops to attend.

FH goes Italy

The Institute of IT Security Research at St. Pölten UAS was also represented! Fabian Kovac, Teaching and Research Assistant of the Data Intelligence research group and Sebastian Eresheim, Junior Researcher at the Josef Ressel Center for Blockchain Technologies and Security Management, as well as Alexander Adrowitzer, Head of the Digital Innovation and Research Master's program, presented their paper "Standing Still is Not an Option - Alternative Baselines for Attainable Utility Preservation".

Torsten Priebe, research group leader of the Data Intelligence research group also made an appearance. He presented "Sustainability Effects of Robust and Resilient AI" - a paper co-authored with Peter Kieseberg, Senior Researcher at the Institute for IT Security Research, Oliver Eigner, Researcher at this same Institute, Alexander Adrowitzer and Fabian Kovac.

Women* Session

Also a novelty of the ARES 23 could be lifted ceremoniously from the cradle. For the first time the ARES Women Session took place. This new event aims to bring together women* from the fields of technology, research and cybersecurity to share their experiences, insights and visions.

Here are the links to the conference page to get more detailed impressions of ARES 23 and CDMAKE.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Friedl Barbara

Barbara Friedl

Programme Administrator Cyber Security and Resilience (MA) Programme Administrator Digital Innovation and Research (MA) Department of Computer Science and Security