Evaluation Cycle

Evaluation Cycle

Within the framework of the so-called evaluation cycle, regular surveys are conducted of as many stakeholders as possible and centrally managed by the UAS service unit Higher Education Development. The used survey methods are primarily quantitative.

In order to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the processes and the entire institution of the St. Pölten UAS, external perspectives are just as relevant as internal perspectives.

Every year, the results of the evaluation cycle are processed in the form of evaluation workshops, for example with the Executive Board, Heads of Departments and Academic Directors, but also with the student representatives. This promotes the active discussion of evaluation results at almost all levels of the UAS and facilitates a participatory culture of quality management.

Graphic: Evaluation Cycle

Evaluation circle

The Stakeholders of the Evaluation Cycle


Internship Providers and Company Partners

U-Multirank, Students

Prospective Students and Applicants

Teaching Staff

Current Evaluation Results


Internship Providers and Company Partners


Prospective Students and Applicants

Teaching Staff

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Tulla Alexandra, MA

Alexandra Tulla , MA

Service and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management
Cermak Marlene, BA MA

Marlene Cermak , BA MA

Evaluation and Knowledge Transfer
Service and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management