Accessibility, Studying and Working with a Disability / Chronic Illness

Accessible Building

The entire St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences building is barrier-free; there are three lifts to access all floors. The doors of the main entrance and the Northern entrance may be opened automatically by pushing a button.

  • Each building has a barrier-free toilet on every floor. Download Navigation Guide (PDF).
  • A tactile guidance system facilitates orientation from the main entrance to the CSC and the lift on the ground floor.
  • The library has technologies for barrier-free studying installed (e.g. OCR scanner).
  • If needed, the Parent-Child Room in building A can be used as a place of retreat. To have access to this room activated on your Campus Card, please contact the CSC either in person or via email. Here you can find the current opening hours of the CSC.

Free Accessible Parking

The St. Pölten UAS’ parking area has eight accessible parking spots right next to the parking entrance which are free of charge for students with disabilities. You can register to receive access at the CSC.

There is a public parking area for people with disabilities near the main entrance to building A at Campus-Platz.

Assistance Dogs on Campus

You are welcome to bring your assistance dog to campus. We also consider potential allergies or phobias of other persons and, if necessary, come up with a solution that suits everyone.

Studying with a Disability / Chronic Illness

Adaptation to Individual Needs

To allow for accessible studying for students with special needs, lecturers and staff members of the UAS are informed and involved and necessary modifications are made, e.g. measures to counterbalance disadvantages during admission procedures and exams. Please make sure to contact us in good time to allow us to take your needs into account.

Waiver/Reimbursement of Fees

Under certain circumstances, students may file an application for a tuition fee waiver / the return of tuition fees and participation fees. These circumstances include a certified degree of disability of at least 50 percent (in the case of a degree programme) or prolonged (severe) illness that prevents the student from continuing their studies.

Procedure: Please submit the relevant documents as well as the duly completed form to no later than by 31/03 (for the summer semester) or 31/10 (for the winter semester), so we can consider your application.

For deaf and hearing-impaired persons

  • Students with hearing impairments can make use of interpreting services in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS). We help with the organisation and financing where possible.
  • In Lecture Hall 2 (Building A), we have an audio induction loop that can be used by persons with hearing impairments. The lecturer’s audio is transferred directly to the hearing aids of the listeners.
  • A mobile microphone set for hearing-impaired persons can be borrowed from the Campus and Study Center.
  • For deaf prospective students there is the possibility of a counselling interview with ÖGS interpreter.
  • Students can choose ÖGS (beginners and advanced) as an optional subject.
  • Further measures will follow, for example the translation of videos into ÖGS.

Working with a Disability / Chronic Illness

  • The St. Pölten UAS aims to make working at the UAS as accessible as possible.
  • We offer support in organizing professional assistance, technical adaptations, raising awareness among team members on request, and much more.
  • Contact for questions about barrier-free recruiting: Mag. Walter Hackl, MA


You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Mag. Nöstlinger Katharina Maria, MA

Mag. Katharina Maria Nöstlinger , MA

Gender & Diversity
Service and Competence Centre for Higher Education Development and Quality Management