Courses: Advice, Support, and Exchange

Here you will find info on:

Support for Online Teaching

Assistance and technical advice for questions regarding the set-up of various applications on the eCampus and for the use of MS Teams.

The task of LEARN consists of offering first aid with the objective of autonomously implementing solutions. Further trainings for the didactically meaningful use of digital teaching and learning resources are offered as well.

For direct requests, please contact

Individual Advice

Flexible One-on-One Consultations for Teaching Staff

  • For specific questions and personal concerns that do not fit into a further training workshop
  • Increasing the transfer to one’s own teaching practice through in-depth individual advice following participation in a didactic further training

All members of the St. Pölten UAS’ teaching staff can contact LEARN at any time and arrange an individual advice appointment. Consultations are also offered online.

Please feel free to contact a LEARN members of your choice. You can view our areas of expertise below.

Examples of occasions in which to seek advice:

  • Advice in the individual design of courses
  • Concrete questions or solutions for the subject-specific use of methods
  • Discussing challenging situations in teaching and finding possible solutions
  • Identifying and planning development steps for one’s own teaching
  • etc.


The objective is to compare the self-assessment of one’s own teaching behaviour to the impressions of a person with didactic expertise.

During a visit in collaboration with LEARN, a member of our didactics teams sits in on one of your classes. Based on an observation sheet (which you draw up together beforehand), you then discuss development potentials and successful elements.

Peer Learning (Learning from Co-Workers)

By inviting colleagues to visit their courses, members of the teaching staff can gain helpful and inspiring impulses for the further improvement of teaching quality: our teachers look each other over the shoulder in designing their courses.

The strongest “aha” effect is achieved when purposefully choosing work shadowing partners from other disciplines. LEARN supports this form of peer learning through the provision of materials on how to carry out this format.

Team of Advisors

For both individual advice and work shadowing, we have a selection of experts with different areas of expertise available for you:

Lisa David

  • Basics of higher education didactics, teaching and learning theory, digital learning resources and blended learning, presentation styles conducive to learning, presentation techniques, didactic self-reflection, handling of challenging situations, innovative course design

Josef Weißenböck

  • Basics of higher education didactics, handling of challenging situations, innovative course design, student-centred learning, activating teaching methods, feedback methods and establishment of a constructive feedback culture in courses, peer learning

Christian F. Freisleben

  • Basics of higher education didactics, creative methods and student engagement, use of digital teaching and learning resources, inverted classroom, portfolio work, writing coaching, implementation of special contents (e.g., service learning, education for sustainable development)

Raphael Prettner

  • Technical support for questions concerning the eCampus and MS Teams

This is a service by LEARN, your Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers at the St. Pölten UAS.

You want to know more? Feel free to ask!
Dr. Anderer Christina

Dr. Christina Anderer

Expert Higher Education Didactics
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)
Dr. David Lisa

Dr. Lisa David

Head of Service Unit
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)
Mag. Dr. Weißenböck Josef

Mag. Dr. Josef Weißenböck

Section Head Higher Education Didactics
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)
Prettner Raphael, BSc

Raphael Prettner , BSc

Team Member E-Learning Support
Service and Competence Centre for Teaching/Learning Development and Educational Offers (LEARN)