Climathon Niederösterreich an der FH St. Pölten

Beim Climathon an der FH St. Pölten geht es um Smart & Sustainable Regions. Gesucht werden Studierende, Interessierte, Klimaretter*innen!

Dieser Hackathon beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Smart & Sustainable Regions – Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Smart City.

Teilnehmen können alle Studierende und Interessierte, die Klimaretter*innen sein möchten! Gemeinsam mit anderen Teilnehmenden arbeitet ihr als Team an einer der nachstehenden Fragen.

Als Hauptpreis winkt eine Teilnahme beim Austrian World Summit am 14. Juni 2022 in der Wiener Hofburg.

Die Fragen beim Climathon

How to design a city of short and sustainable paths

Imagine a new city quarter is built and you can design the layout. In that respect, you should specifically think about mobility issues, trying to enable a sustainable and inclusive mobility system. This could include logistics for goods, as well as personal mobility. With respect to logistics, regional products might be of interest. Regarding personal mobility,  diversity issues and inclusive approaches are relevant. 

How to motivate a sustainable mobility to and from FH (UAS)

Think of any University already established and the mobility system connecting it to the region. The system typically comes along with infrastructure which is ready to use, but also with limitations. How can you increase the sustainable mobility to and from the University, including logistics for goods, as well as personal mobility, without necessarily altering the infrastructure? How can you facilitate active mobility? 

How to make open data accessible to everybody 

In this case, AR apps, visualizations, and games could be interesting digital solutions to explore such a data while navigating the city. 

How to leverage human connectivity

to collect and share further data that can
support us taking action. Maybe through community applications, crowdsourcing, ways to improve citizen engagement.


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Mag. Wieländer Ulrike

Mag. Ulrike Wieländer

Fachverantwortliche Nachwuchsförderung, Innovation und Start-ups
Forschung und Wissenstransfer