2 min

Creating future memories

Creating future memories

Ekaterina Sharonova

Russian student blogs about her study in St. Pölten

Hallstatt is a place I dreamed about for a long time… I have seen a lot of incredible photos and never thought that one day I could be there myself. But after two months in Austria I had the chance to see this „dream-place“ in real! … and, of course, not alone, but with all of my friends as it was one of our „buddy-events“. One more unforgettable adventure we shared!

The journey wasn’t as long as our previous trips. The only way to reach Hallstatt is by ferry. After getting out of the train we waited for the ferry in a line for some time – then we finally reached our destination! Hallstatt is not that big. That’s why it’s natural to go for a walk immediately, as the saying goes, „wherever the road takes you“. In my opinion, getting lost is the best way to explore a new place! And that’s exactly what we did! No worries, it is difficult to get completely lost in such a small town, so by the time we were appointed to go to the salt caves everyone found their way back.

So … Now I want to tell you more about the salt caves. Near the entrance there is a sightseeing platform and the view from there is worth the cost! And the caves as such are also really worth visiting in my opinion. Not only because you get a colorful costume at the entrance with which you can enter the cave slipping down a slide. To me this meant a lot of fun! This made the tour even more special.
And, of course, do not leave Hallstatt before you try Glühwein or sweet-scented tea in one of the cafés :)

Salt Caves Ekaterina

On every trip I take a huge amount of photos. Thanks to them beautiful landscapes stay in my memory and I can always get back to past events. But so far group pictures often were missing. Of course, there is nothing surprising about that: Nobody sits still and it's difficult to get everyone together. That's why I was really happy to take part in our photo event! It is a great experience for people who want to learn how to take good photos and also a nice opportunity for others because they can get great (sometimes funny) pictures :)

Foto Collage Ekaterina


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... and even more!

Former international student Naomi Melchers blogs about her stay in St. Pölten: