Relational conversation

Bringing systemic ideas in to practice

A two-day online conference for everyone interested in communication

Bringing systemic ideas in to practice: A useful professional conversation is a conversation worth having

This conference is about the topic of conversations worth having, conversations experienced as being useful for helpseeking people.
The content of a useful conversation is a combination of asking questions that animates the other to reflecting and finding new meanings, and the ability to listen to the answers to these questions by the listener, and finally that the listener has somekind of ideas of what to do with the answers given together with the answerer.

In short, in a good and a useful conversation the professional is sensitive to both questions, answers and the proces of making meaning in these together with the helpseeking person. This conferences aim is to open up our dialouge towards these three elements.

The conference is for everyone who works with, and/or is interested in, communication.

You could be a student, a teacher, a social educator, a social worker, a nurse, an occupational therapist, a therapist, a family therapist, a leader, or any other professional. Everyone is welcome.

Best of all – the conference is free!

Programme and registration

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FH-Prof. DSA Mag. (FH) Huber Alois

FH-Prof. DSA Mag. (FH) Alois Huber

FH-Dozent Department Soziales