Master Class 3D Audio & Sound Design

Digital Media Production

In the age of digital technologies, the world of audio design has come to encompass a spectrum of professional profiles and orientations so broad that it is hard to keep track of. The spectrum includes everything from traditional music production – be it in the field of recording technology, or creative musical interpretation – to live sound on film sets or at stage events, and sound design developments in the area of video games and industrial research.

This Master Class is available either in English or German.

Course Contents

The Audio Design Master Class allows students to experience a wide range of audio designs. This is made possible by focusing on four projects which all students design, develop, plan, implement and evaluate independently over the course of four semesters.

The students still have enough time and opportunities to design their own portfolios: every project is presented publicly and introduced in the form of a trailer on the website managed by the audio design students themselves. View student portfolios

In this context, individual responsibility does by no means imply that the students carry out their projects alone. Within the framework of the master class – and, in addition, in the second semester across the borders of all master degree programmes (Doing, Researching, Founding) – students can “buy” services from their colleagues and pay them in ECTS credits.

This makes it possible to implement smaller as well as bigger projects. For competences that students lack (e.g. programming, graphic design), they can make use of the expertise of specialists from other master classes, just as they would in their later professional lives.


Focus Areas

In-Depth Courses Relating to Audio Design

Regular Field Trips

Software Focus Areas (a selection)

Audio lab

There are four audio studios for practical exercises and software trainings with 24 state-of-the-art iMac computer workstations. Equipped with high-quality sound interfaces of Focusrite and a number of important software packages, these workstations allow all students to carry out audio productions at the highest level.

Logo Wwise

We are the first "Audiokinetic Wwise Certified School" in Austria, which means:

    • Numerous advantages with regard to the use of the Wwise software
    • The licence to certify for this software ourselves

Dual Degree

Students have the unique opportunity to acquire an International Dual Degree with Hamburg! Completing the master classes Digital Media Production of the St. Pölten UAS and Zeitabhängige Medien / Sound – Vision – Games of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) earns the graduates two academic degrees.

Apart from Audio Design, the master degree programme Digital Media Production also offers the following Master Classes: 

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FH-Prof. Dr. Iber Michael

FH-Prof. Dr. Michael Iber

Academic Director GRACE - Gamified Reality Applications for Real-World Challenges and Experiences* (MA) Academic Director E³UDRES² Lecturer International Coordinator Department of Media and Digital Technologies
FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Büchele Andreas Markus

FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Markus Büchele

Lecturer Department of Media and Digital Technologies