Raspberry Pis mit unterschiedlichen Bluetooth-Geräten

Track me if you can!

Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der Nachverfolgung (Tracking) von alltäglichen Bluetooth-Geräten wie Smartphones oder Fitnesstrackern.

Christoph Braun and his team

Smart E’s Production Line

A new team of international students worked on improving the “Smart Storage Box” concept and turning it into a full-fledged innovative production line.

Smart Storage Box

Smart Storage Box

A team of international students worked on an innovative Industrial-IOT project – creating a concept and a prototype of a Smart Storage Box to improve the manufacturing and storage processes of companies with new digital technologies.

Mobile IoT-sensor box using “Narrowband IoT” technology

Alive Maps

A team of international students worked on an innovative IOT project – building environmental maps by assessing the data measured by distributed IOT Sensor boxes using the new T-Mobile NB-IoT network